Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Have you ever wanted to do a triathlon?

There are a lot more challenges associated than I would have thought. There are also a lot more resources. I'm learning a lot as I try to take time off of my biking workouts. Increased resistance added four minutes onto my workout time today - so I clearly need to work on my hill-climbing skills.

Remember how when you were a kid and you only pedaled on the downstroke? That has to change. When riding a road bike or triathlon bike it is important to do something called full circle pedalling and you have to have specific cycling shoes and pedals. Here's a look.
Let's go full circle - full circle pedalling is the best way to increase your power while cycling. http://twotri.com/2013/04/how-to-pedal-with-power/

Endurance, fitness and weight loss are also important. Weight loss is the number one thing they recommend for hill climbing improvement.
This is gonna hurt - but it'll be worth it! http://www.bicycling.com/training-nutrition/training-fitness/hill-charges-climb-stronger

Here are some more tips I learned about hill climbing. . .

I'm open to further suggestions!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Monday's run leads to . . .

Why is Monday a good day for a run?

I asked myself that for every one of the 1380 stairs I climbed last night. And the only answer that came to mind was - it's not! But then I remembered what one of my work colleagues said to me. . . 
"No matter how tired, sweaty and sore you are after a workout you still feel good that you did it. You rarely, if ever, say the same thing after finishing a greasy cheeseburger."
He's absolutely right. I did feel good after I was done, and I really enjoyed my cheeseburger!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Triathlon training basics

Triathlon 2014

Triathlon is a competitive event consisting of swimming, biking and running a certain distance. The goal is to complete the events in as little time as possible. I previously competed in a try-a-tri, which is a really short triathlon that allows you to participate and decide if triathlon is for you.

For 2014, I have decided to compete in the Coronation Sprint Triathlon being held on May 25, 2014. http://www.triathlon.ab.ca/index.php?view=details&id=10%3Asubway-triathlon&option=com_eventlist&Itemid=34

Find your training plan here or build a customized plan depending on the length of the triathlon that you are competing in. http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/discussion/training/trainingplans-list.asp

I currently train six days a week - two days of running, two of biking and two of swimming. I am getting a sense of how long it takes me to complete certain distances so that I can build some time components of the race.
It is important to improve skills for running, biking and swimming in order to get the most out of training and to build your own best performance.
Here is a quick training video about common errors people make while swimming freestyle.